1,627 research outputs found

    Cambio tecnológico en la telefonía de Cataluña durante el monopolio de CTNE, 1924-1936

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    Catalonia led the principal episodes of transference of the telephone to Spain, typical phenomenon of the Second Technological Revolution. Before the creation of the monopoly of the National Telephone Company of Spain (CTNE), Catalonia was kept at the top of the Spanish regions in endowment of telephones. This owed basically to the impulse given by the Mancomunitat to the construction of infrastructures of telecommunication. CTNE's appearance in 1924 stamped a substantial draft on the Spanish telephony. This paper analyzes how the program of amplification and modernization supported by CTNE took form when it obtained the grant of the monopoly. The basic support of the paper lays in the sources of the company, especially the Minutes of the Board of Directors and the Minutes of the Managerial Committe

    Consolidation and rationalization of the public companies in Spain: the information and communication technologies (ICT) holding

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    This article aims to study a strategic sector in the first years of the new millennium, whose results have been already been partially presented. It is structured into four main sections, which include the introduction, a presentation of the public sector of information and communication technologies, the restructuring of the public sector of ICTs and the birth of the Inisel group, called to play an important role in the future for its leading role in the creation of the technological firm Indra. The article, which is predominantly descriptive in nature, combines industrial history with strategic management, and methodologically is a case study using primary sources of both public and private origin together with reports and studies from large international organizations

    Internet access standards: dissemination of the Integrated Services Digital Network in Spain, 1984-2005

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    This article aims to narrate the birth and evolution of the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) in Spain with an essentially descriptive methodology, from an interdisciplinary perspective and from varied sources. The study aims to investigate the forms of the transition from a conceptual or engineering phase to the market in a standard of Internet access and, at the same time, in the different patterns of technological innovation and the factors that motivate them. It tries to verify if the own nature of the techniques, the degree of diffusion of the previous technologies, the technological level -digitalization- and the structure of market of the telecommunications — continued existence of the monopoly of the historical operator National Telephone Company of Spain — had a significant impact on the inequality of penetration with respect to other countries. The research authorizes to conclude that a very heterogeneous combination of factors caused that leading countries in the diffusion of a technology did not achieve that leading role in the diffusion of other technologies

    Strategic Alliances in the European Industries of the Third Industrial Revolution

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    The dimension of the alliances has compelled experts to revise their preconceptions about the internationalization of companies and to include this strategy in their models as Uppsala model was forced to acknowledge. This article focuses on one of the alliances forged in Europe, very deviated from the practices of the majority because it was a company with exclusively European partners. It adopts the perspective of a peripheral country (Spain) in the global economy and from the special status of at least one of the partners in a monopoly. Finally, the article follows case study methodology, which aims to delve into the complexity of the processes and the phenomena at hand. The article responds to the need for an alternative approach to industry analysis that is particularly important for technology-based industries and the most turbulent high-tech industries.  The first section examines the creation of European Silicon Structures as a strategic alliance in the European semiconductor industry. Parts two and three look at the case of Spain and the role of demand using the example of Telefonica. Conclusions are presented in the final section

    Survival Strategies in the Spanish ICT Sector: Amper between Two Crises

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    This article aims to study the performance of an oligopolistic sector through the case of a medium-sized multinational company, belonging to the telecommunications equipment industry, at a time of crisis. Its interest lies in the contrast with a general situation during the first decade of the new millennium, sealed by the numerical predominance of the small size in the companies of the planet, on the one hand, and the determining weight of the big multinational companies. In this sense, it aims to make a contribution to the debate on the impact of resource and size constraints on the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) . It also seeks to intervene in the controversy over patterns of adaptation to markets and technological change in general in their struggle for survival. In the particular facet of internationalization based on foreign direct investment (FDI), it seeks to delve into the patterns and reasons for SME FDI defended by traditional theories. The business model based on proprietary technology and strong internationalisation that Amper exemplifies achieved irrefutable results in the face of the crisis, but some evidence suggests a return, insufficiency and unfulfilled results

    Fundamento del concepto de área

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    Can a Soil Mineralization Test Improve Wheat and Corn Nitrogen Diagnosis?

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    A network of field studies determined that the traditional method for predicting soil N availability …a pre-plant nitrate test … can be combined with an indicator of soil N mineralization capacity to significantly improve the diagnosis for soil N availability for both wheat and corn.Fil: Reussi Calvo, Nahuel Ignacio. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; Argentina. Laboratiorio de Suelos. Fertilab; ArgentinaFil: Echeverría, Hector E.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; ArgentinaFil: Sainz Rozas, Hernan Rene. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Berardo, Angel. Laboratiorio de Suelos. Fertilab; ArgentinaFil: Diovisalvi, Natalia. Laboratiorio de Suelos. Fertilab; Argentin

    Consolidation and rationalization of the public companies in Spain: the information and communication technologies (ICT) holding

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    This article aims to study a strategic sector in the first years of the new millennium, whose results have been already been partially presented. It is structured into four main sections, which include the introduction, a presentation of the public sector of information and communication technologies, the restructuring of the public sector of ICTs and the birth of the Inisel group, called to play an important role in the future for its leading role in the creation of the technological firm Indra. The article, which is predominantly descriptive in nature, combines industrial history with strategic management, and methodologically is a case study using primary sources of both public and private origin together with reports and studies from large international organizations

    Política industrial, multinacionales y desarrollo regional en España. La IED en la industria de la fibra óptica a finales del siglo XX

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    Los especialistas internacionales, bien versados en la tendencia general hacia la globalización, se han preguntado repetidamente por las razones del importante aumento de la inversión extranjera directa (IED) desde el periodo posterior a la Segunda Guerra Mundial y, muy en especial, a fines de los años 80, liderado por grandes empresas. Con el trasfondo preciso de un amplio debate teórico sobre el alcance de la IED en España en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, este artículo aborda la creación y evolución de empresas conjuntas relacionadas con la fibra óptica en España. El estudio se basa esencialmente en fuentes cualitativas y cuantitativas de diversa procedencia y naturaleza, algunas de ellas de extraordinaria relevancia debido a su valor intrínseco y dificultad de acceso para los investigadores. Entre ellas destacan las provenientes de la Compañía Telefónica Nacional de España, junto a las de instituciones nacionales, regionales e internacionales. El texto está estructurado en cuatro apartados principales, que describen sucesivamente la revolución de la fibra óptica y su extensión mundial, la estrategia de expansión de las multinacionales en España, la dependencia tecnológica respecto a las multinacionales en este país y la alternativa del capital multinacional europeo
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